Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pew report on where people get their news

This link goes to the .pdf of Pew's study on where people and communities go for their news. The summary from Pew is here.

College journalist defies administration

A student journalist at Bryan College defies the administration and self-publishes a piece about the sudden (suspiciously quiet) departure of a professor, who turned out to be arrested "after having attempted to meet with a minor child” at a gas station. Jim Romenesko (@romenesko) published the piece, and then things got interesting: The student contacted him and asked that the piece be taken down. Jim, however, suspects coercion by the college president.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to copy editing, Fall 2012

Hi, everyone, Thanks for your attendance Tuesday. I think we will have a good class this semester. Please get your text and stylebook soon if you don't have them already. Please read Chapter 1 of the text, so that you will be prepared to discuss the material in class. Please begin to familiarize yourselves with the stylebook, too. You may use it during quizzes and tests, but the more you know how to navigate it now, the less time you will spend having to figure out how it works. I hope you also have browsed around the class Blackboard site to see what's available so far. More will be added as the semester proceeds. Among the items there are some extra-credit forms that may prove useful this semester. If you have any internship or work where you do what amounts to copy-editing-like work, you can print out forms and get them signed by a supervisor, and I will give you extra credit for your outside work. Editing at the Whit also is acceptable; just get the adviser or editor-in-chief to sign, in that case. Each task must be 1 hour minimum, worth 5 extra credit points, and I'll accept five such signed sheets, maximum. Either way, the total available extra credit in this area is 25 points toward your final semester grade. I will explain more on Thursday, but I would like you to have your blogs set up by Tuesday's class. Next Thursday will be the day your first blog assignment is due: I'm asking for a biosketch. A life history is not necessary, but please tell me a bit about yourself, your experience (journalistically and otherwise), your interests and your aspirations. This blog entry will be worth 10 points. Beyond the four walls of Room 131, I would recommend that you friend Rowan Copy Editing on Facebook (after which I will add you to a closed class group on Facebook) and follow @RowanCEProf on Twitter. I'm looking forward to the semester. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about what's going on, and I'll do my best to answer them. While e-mail generally will take care of most situations, if you think a phone call would be more expedient, please include a number where I can reach you. Talking by phone might be better than playing e-mail tag. Prof Woodell